Joy Story Foundation helps Manisha,a physically challenged girl by supporting her to get a decent livelihood

  • Name :Manisha
  • Location :Hapur
  • Help Amount :Rs.5000,One Time

Livelihood Challenge

A physically challenged girl, Manisha, couldn’t get a apt job and was amongst 3 sisters and an alcoholic father. The only option was to look forward to a home based livelihood but did not have enough funds to source even the basic raw material like like beads, strings , cloth etc. after she learned the art of artificial jewellery making, courtesy a relative. It was becoming a challenge to sustain even a basic livelihood in a temporary hutment area.

How Joy Story extended help

Joy Story identified her need and assisted her with a one time assistance of Rs.5000.


In six months time, Manisha started selling to 10 vendors who also voluntered to look after her capital needs. She also hired a young assistant to be able to fulfill regular delivery of her products. She now earns enough to partially support her family.

Joy Story Foundation is a section-8, non-profit organization founded in November 2019