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Help with Living Expenses of a Terminally ill child/elderly/Physically challenged/critically ill

Having a disability shouldn’t exclude someone from the opportunity of self-governing, education or any activity which any other human being can indulge in. Helping specially abled people to ensure that they receive equal opportunities is a cause most noble.

1.5 million people in India live with intellectual impairments; less than 30% of the people suffering from mental challenges are literate or gainfully employed. Therefore, we at `JoyStory’ are keen to make a change in their lives by helping them financially and hence urge the blessed to donate to the poor specially abled people and support them with special education, vocational training and therapy so they attempt to become independent and live with dignity.

Your moments of Joy can help them acquire joy in their life!






Joy Story Foundation is a section-8, non-profit organization founded in November 2019