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Access to Sanitary pads for women

As per the National Family Health Survey IV, as many as 62% young women in the country in the age group of 15-24 years still use cloth for menstrual protection, which is such a health hazard.

Considering sanitary pads as the solution to menstrual health and hygiene is not new. In the past five years, India has seen an array of movements aiming to educate women and young girls about menstrual hygiene and sanitation. The issue is primarily that poor women or ones residing in rural areas lack awareness and intent to buy a costly solution to their monthly problem.

Blessed are the women who do not live in such conditions and societies and should thus relate to this huge problem of their fellow women. Join hands with the `JoyStory’ to bring happiness and health to the lives of many women across the country. Helping lacks of women to get rid of unhealthy and hazardous actions will surely bring Joy to them and in return to all who help JoyStory to assist this social cause.






Joy Story Foundation is a section-8, non-profit organization founded in November 2019