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Feed Nutritious Food To Children

Hunger is still one of the biggest causes of grief and death in the world. Most often low-income households live in poverty implying the lack of food, clothing, and adequate shelter.

India is home to the largest undernourished population in the world-

  • 194.4 million people i.e. 14.5% of our population is undernourished
  • 20.8% of children under 5 are underweight
  • 37.9% of children under 5 years of age are stunted
  • 51.4% women in the reproductive age (15-49 years) are anemic

With `JoyStory’ we intend to create a world where no child goes hungry. Each child who comes on this earth needs basics to thrive: healthy food, clean water, and care. Poverty leads to hunger and forces these little children to live in abominable conditions, beg and forcibly rely on undeserving items to satisfy the hunger, but with our few efforts we can surely create a world where no child sleeps hungry. We urge you to support this cause by donating whatever little you can and create a `JoyStory’ for many deprived children, who also have the right to live a worthy life. Recognize various reasons by which your kids make you joyful and select them to create a JoyStory for another child.






Joy Story Foundation is a section-8, non-profit organization founded in November 2019